We are committed
We are a down-to-earth company and have strong regional roots.
We feel comfortable in the beautiful Vogelsberg, but we are also involved in projects from cultures, education and sport nationwide.Â

As a manufacturer of tools and fasteners, we are aware of our responsibility towards our environment. Ecology and high-tech go hand in hand at PREBENA and our products are known for their longevity. For the careful use of resources and our environment, we use refillable compressed air cartridges with our PKT technology and are member of the CAS (Cordless Alliance System) for the cross-manufacturer use of 18 V batteries.Â
 Our products “Made in Germany” are highly repairable. In addition with our PSS-PREBENA Service System we offer repairs at a fixed price and long availability of spare parts. This can significantly increase the service life and the stability of the value of our high-quality machines.Â

We are part of the Interseroh recycling system, which means we systematically avoid waste, reduce raw material consumption and conserve resources. Â
Schotten’s Social Services
The Schottener Soziale Dienste gGmbH is a recognized non-profit workshop for disabled people (WfbM), it has set itself the task of involving people with disabilities in working life and thus allowing them to participate in life and society. We work closely with the social services and use the offer to pack our staples, among other things.Â

Children’s Aid Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka Children’s Aid Association exists since 1993, when it was founded by 12 members. The association now has 510 members and supports over 25000 children in the poorest region of Sri Lanka. The primary goal of the children´s aid is to promote the education and training of children and young people who live in one of the undeveloped regions in one of the poorest developing countries in the world.
 Indoor-Cycling Fundraiser – Shelter ElisabethenhofÂ
Also this year PREBENA donated for good. In these difficult times it is important to do something good. Due to Corona people have lost their jobs and some companies are struggling with their financial position. Unfortunately, it was precisely in this free time that many people bought a pet thoughtlessly. Many animals were abandoned or taken to animal shelters. Together with the team from Gesundheitspark Nidda, we were able to collect donations for the shelter Elisabethenhof in Reichelsheim by doing a cycling class.Â

Reopening of the playground in SchottenÂ
For safety concerns, the playground in Schotten was closed a year and a half ago. Thanks to the voluntary work of parents and donors, including the PREBENA company, it was now able to reopen.Â


Supporting member of the Federal Association of German Prefabricated Buildings e.V.
The Federal Association of German Prefabricated Buildings (BDF) exists since 1961. It is an association of 49 manufactures of prefabricated wooden houses. In addition, around 100 partners in the industry are connected to the BDF as supporting members.Â
Association of Insulation Materials from Renewable Raw Materials e.V.
The Association for Insulation Materials from Renewable Raw Materials vdnr e.V. is the voluntary association of companies that promote the processing of insulation materials such as wood, cellulose, jute, hemp, cork, flax, sheep´s wool, reed, sea and meadow grass and straw or systems produce these insulation materials.Â